Technical Specifications and Prerequisites

erwin Data Intelligence Suite (DI Suite) is certified to run on Oracle JRE 1.8.0_192/242 or AdoptOpenJDK, and Apache Tomcat v8.5.35/41. Review the following specifications and prerequisites to ensure a smooth installation:

Application Server Specifications

For erwin DI Suite Standard Edition, the following specifications are applicable for your application server:

Hardware Specifications



Server Type

VM or dedicated physical server


64-bit, minimum 4 cores


16 GB for limited user POCs

32-64 GB for enterprise production deployment

Hard Disk Drive

200-300 GB

Software Specifications



Operating Systems

Microsoft Windows - Windows 10, Windows Server 2012 and above

CentOS 7

RHEL 6.6 and 7.2

Amazon Linux 2


SQL Server 2012 and higher

Oracle 11g and higher

Web Browsers

Google Chrome v28.0 or higher

Mozilla Firefox v16 or higher

Microsoft Internet Explorer v10.0 or higher

Web Servers

Apache Tomcat v8.5.35/41


Oracle JRE 1.8.0_192/242 or AdoptOpenJDK

Web Server Memory Allocation

Based on your web server's physical RAM specification, allocate as much memory as possible to your web server.

For example, if the web server has 16 GB RAM, allocate at least 50 percent of it. That is, 8 GB. Higher memory allocation ensures better application function. The following table illustrates memory allocation:

Physical RAM

Allocation to Web Server

16 GB

8-12 GB

32 GB

16-28 GB

64 GB

48 GB

Enterprise Deployment Configuration

In case of enterprise deployment, for the best performance, it is recommended to allot at least 0.5 GB space per user on the application server. For example, if 30 users log on simultaneously, the application server must have at least 15 GB of RAM allocated to it.

Note: The above RAM allocation does not indicate the RAM of the server machine. It indicates the physical RAM allocation to the application server.

Database Server Specifications

The following table lists database server specifications:



Server Type

Dedicated standalone server


64-bit, minimum 4-8 cores


16-32 GB

Hard Disk Drive

250-500 GB


50 GB, minimum

Note: erwin DI Suite requires a dedicated schema/database (SQL Server or Oracle) with at least 50 GB tablespace allocated to it, which increases exponentially based on usage.

Client Workstation Specifications

The following table lists client workstation specifications:




i3 or higher


8 GB, minimum

Note: Client workstation's CPU must have at least 1 GB RAM free while accessing erwin DI Suite via a web browser.